

Giant Set of Dinosaur Tracks in Alaska Is So Big It's Called 'The Coliseum'

In Alaska's Denali National Park, a large, multi-layered rock structure with marks going back around 70 million years has been dubbed the "Coliseum" site of dinosaur tracks.

The location, which was initially found in 2010, has been investigated by a group of US experts and is home to an amazing collection of dinosaur footprints.

There is evidence for a wide variety of dinosaur kinds and species, including ornithopods, ceratopsids, and theropods. That is evidence of how busy this location, which was probably a drinking establishment on a sizable flood plain, would have been throughout the years.

The rocky outcrop has a total size of around 7,500 square meters (80,729 square feet), making it somewhat larger than a regular soccer field. It is roughly the height of a 20-story structure and has tracks strewn throughout all of its flatirons.

According to paleontologist Dustin Stewart, who oversaw the study while working at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, "It's not just one level of rock with tracks on it."

"It is a chronological series. There were other known track sites in Denali before, but none of this size.

The Coliseum cliff's base first just appeared to have a trackway, but scientists quickly discovered other marks. The tracks are a combination of imprints left in soft mud that were later covered over by solid material and imprints that survived after being later filled in by silt.

Paleontologist Pat Druckenmiller of the University of Alaska Fairbanks comments, "They are beautiful." "You can see the skin's texture and the toes' shape."

The Alaska Range was formed by the folding and tilting of the earth caused by the tectonic plates progressively pressing against one another and buckled over millions of years.

Furthermore, the location has produced more than just a treasure of dinosaur footprints; it has also produced fossilized plants, pollen grains, and remnants of freshwater mussels and crustaceans. It's Alaska's biggest known site of its kind.

With adjacent ponds and lakes, this region would have been bustling with life during the Late Cretaceous. With coniferous and deciduous tree forests, the climate would have been warmer and more similar to that of the Pacific Northwest than Alaska.

Sites like this may provide us with an insight into that era and what life was like, and according to the experts, there is still "a lifetime" of investigating to be done in the park. In the future, we may anticipate hearing a lot more from these scholars.

It was covered in trees and teeming with dinosaurs, according to Druckenmiller.

"A tyrannosaur that was several times the size of the largest brown bear there at the time was roaming about Denali. Raptors were present. Reptiles could fly were present. Birds were present. An wonderful environment existed there.

The research has been published in Historical Biology.